Performance screening with public talk

Sun, 25.09.2022 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Language: Chinese, English, Chinese sign languagePrice: Free of charge, pre-registration needed


Inspired by the allegorical Chinese myth of Pangu, and choreographed by Kuik Swee Boon (Singapore) and Kim Jae Duk (Korea), the contemporary dance piece Pan presents the idea of transculturation as a convergence of cultures across geographical, historical, social and physical boundaries. Created in collaboration with award-winning Taiwanese musician Wang Yu-jun, the performance is hosted and co-performed by two disability artists Wheelsmith (Danial Bawthan) and Tung Ka Wai. Produced by THE Dance Company and commissioned by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, the full-length dance show premiered live in Singapore in May 2021 as part of the Cultural Extravaganza Festival 2021.